Protect Your Rights. Talk to Us Before You Talk to Them.

Speak with an attorney before agreeing to speak to law enforcement. If the police contact you about an alleged criminal offense you were involved in or a witness to, before you agree to speak with them, please contact our firm. Even if you believe you have done nothing wrong, it is important to speak with an experienced defense attorney before agreeing to speak with the police.

It will not benefit you whatsoever to disparage the police officer attempting to speak with you, even if you believe he or she is placing unfair pressure on you to talk. If you are ultimately charged, the district attorney assigned to your case may ask the investigating officer for suggestions on how to resolve your case. Likewise, no reputable police officer will take offense with you asking for an opportunity to speak with an attorney before agreeing to speak with him or her.

Finally, if not in custody, don’t be swayed if a police officer indicates that they could come to arrest you if you don’t come to talk to them. In all likelihood, if the police had the evidence necessary to arrest you, they would have already done so. Likewise, if in custody, don’t be encouraged to speak by promises of a low bond or some other favorable treatment.

Once again, simply tell the officer that you need to speak to an attorney before speaking with him or her, then call us at 814-876-3302 or send us an email.