State College Criminal Defense Law Blog

Why is stealing street signs a bad idea?

College is a time when you are learning to be an adult. You are just finding your independence. There are many decisions to make and many freedoms you may not be used to having. This is wonderful, but it also can lead to behavior that is detrimental to a productive...

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Are there any DUI defense strategies that work?

Every parent sends their children off to college expecting them to obtain the education necessary to earn a job in the desired field in the future. Some expect their children to experiment with drugs, alcohol or some other questionable substance or behavior. Few, if...

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Can the REAL ID cards help stop fake IDs?

Many states are changing their driver's license to comply with federal standards that become a requirement soon. The new design for the Pennsylvania license is called a REAL ID. The idea behind this change to driver's licenses and state ID cards, according to The...

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How a DUI affects college students

It’s Friday night and your college buddies suggest that you go out to the bar. You have plans the next morning, so you decide to drive so you can take off early. Instead, you end up having a few more drinks than you originally expected. Realizing that...

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